Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Cougar...WTF!!

Is this "suppose" to be a compliment towards mature women?

Here is a small listing of cougar characteristic:

"Cougars are obligate, opportunistic carnivores, meaning that their diet is principally meat..."

"They are also adept at hunting smaller animals.."

"Solitary hunters, cougars depend on stalking and ambush, tactics employed to take down prey often 7 times their size." here is an article I read regarding the characteristics of a cougar "woman" let me know what you think about this type of labeling.

Top 5 Characteristics of a Cougar Woman

There's a society of older women out there that can be called Cougars. Typically, they are 40 or older.
Says Valerie Gibson, author of Cougar, A Guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men, "When it first appeared, "Cougar" was a derogatory term---It is still a "derogatory term" aimed at an older woman who was in a bar, perhaps had had too much to drink and was approaching younger men."

That is not the case anymore. Today, a Cougar woman is admired and desirable--Now I can agree with this statement, however, the admiration and desire stems from the fact that 1) when a younger man is approached by or is approaching an older woman he is generally thinking..."sexual experience and she has her OWN money".

Here are five characteristics of a Cougar woman.

1. Cougar women desire younger men.

We've heard of older men who desire younger women. Well, Cougar women desire younger men. If she's 45, she may date someone who is 30. If she's 75, she may date someone who is 50. It's not hard for Cougar women to date younger men these days. Younger men are pushing the trend, and we can also see it with some celebrity women. Says Valerie Gibson, "It's cool to date an older woman today." I must say I have dated a few younger men and it was nothing more than the obvious. For a much younger man is as much a chore as dating a much older man. You have to pacify, pet, baby, be too understanding...blah blah blah. They are asking "where are you going" and "when are you going to be back". This can cause a great strain on an older woman and esp if she has children from a previous relationship. So I would have to tag this as a "teacher/student" experience. Lawd!

2. Cougar women have positive self images and care about the way they look.

 One characteristic of a Cougar woman is her attitude about herself. She's older, but she doesn't feel ugly. She is not afraid to wear clothing that younger women typically wear. She takes care of body. She's sexy and she knows it. Yes, I agree by the time the average woman reaches her 40's she has been through enough crap and her tolerance is low on BS. We have decided on what we are "willing" to deal with and "not willing" to deal with. The majority of us are done with the procreation process...holla-lu-jah ( and Lord have mercy if you are still making babies) OR we are contend with the fact that we just are not the baby making type of gal. With either one of these choices...the process of stretching and "ruining"our shapes is done with and we begin to focus on our pre-baby look. We are more aware of our diet because heartburn is whoooa and ulcers can run amuck. Sexy is what sexy does and we have mastered the art of communicating through varies means soooo the confident should not be mistaken or taken lightly for that matter. far of dressing in clothing like the younger women hmmmm IMO it will definitely depend on the outfit because you should just know better.

3. Cougar women are independent.

A Cougar woman is single and independent. However, there are women out on the scene, such as Halle Berry or Demi Moore, that are routinely called Cougars, even though they are married to or live with younger men. What's important is that Cougar women are financially independent. They don't need a man to take care of them. It depends on how you define "needing a man". IF one is referring to this in a financial aspect and you got it going on like that then yeah, you can "go and get" without anyone questioning your spending habit. However, IF one is referring to the sexual aspect of the NEED...then I'm sorry I do NEED a man. Period.

4. Cougar women like sex.

Cougar women like sex and they know that sex does not die after a certain age. Says Valerie Gibson, "In the past, as women grew older they were pushed aside or widowed, and they stayed that way. Controlled by a history of puritan religion and other influences on society, sexual older women were feared or avoided." A Cougar woman has sex, enjoys sex and ignores negative attitudes that may exist that says that older women should not have sex. Nuff said.

5. Cougar women don't seek children, cohabitation or commitment.

A Cougar woman wants to enjoy your life without the expectation that she has to get married or live with someone. She may have children, but chances are those children are grown. A cougar woman's life is not dependent on whether or not she has a mate  Companionship is more like it. I say this because being a woman, there is much to consider when you start dating a man much younger esp if you have children as previously mentioned above. If YOU have children and HE doesn't, he will eventually challenge your loyalty and attention. If HE is by some means worth the time and effort to consider a commented relationship...then you may have to consider the possibility of having a child for him (sigh) AND dealing with the possibility of losing ALL that weight again which btw will be even more challenging due to the fact that your metabolism has decreased by 10% since you were 20 y/o and all of your other "cougar" friends are out having fun and vacationing whilst you are stuck in the house because your little one is teething and your "younger half" is out kicking it with his boys cause YOU are trying to be his mother!! WHEW!! I just have some dear friends who thought it was a good idea to go this route....wooo thank GOD my baby is 10 y/o!

So my question is what is an older man called when dating a much younger woman? A pervert?

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